Tuesday, 27 April 2021

PBGS 50 Years Singing #3: Expanding our horizons

Brigadoon 1993

By 1979 PBGS was expanding rapidly so the decision was made to move productions from the refectory at Putteridge Bury to Luton Library Theatre. Our first show there was a production of The Mikado, although rehearsals continued at Putteridge Bury until it became part of the University of Luton (now the University of Bedfordshire) in 1992. 

After Peter Jenkyn's retirement, Margaret Blenkin (then Patterson) became MD and then our Chairwoman. Under her leadership the Society's horizons expanded further and PBGS diversified to perform its first non-G&S shows, always playing to the Society's strengths of strong operatic soloists and wonderful chorus sound. Our first foray outside the G&S Genre was Brigadoon in 1993, followed over the next few years by Die Fledermaus, Orpheus in the Underworld and Carmen. But the core of our repertoire was, and still is, Gilbert & Sullivan.

Die Fledermaus 1994

Orpehus in the Underworld 1995

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