Sunday, 18 August 2013

NODA District 3 Award Nomination!

 Brian as Prince Charming in 'Trial by Jury'

Congratulations to Brian Miles who has been nominated for Best Male Performance in a Musical for his Carboy and Defendant in our Spring 2013 Triple Bill. The winners will be announced at the Noda District Meeting on September 15th, so start crossing those fingers now!

Well done Brian! All together now... 'Prince Charming, Prince Charming....'

Brian as Carboy in 'The Zoo'


Monday, 12 August 2013

Mikado Fans

Here is an advance request from Alison for future Mikado rehearsals - you will all need to work and practice with a fan so now's the time to go looking for them, especially any of you travelling to warmer climes this month. Any folding kind will do for practice, even those with flamenco dancers on them!


Monday, 5 August 2013

Our team for our Spring 2014 Mikado!

We are delighted to announce our Production Team for our Spring 2014 Show, The Mikado. Our Producer will be Alison Gibbs and our Musical Director will be Sue Trost.  Alison gave us our Noda East Award Nominated Patience in 2012 and our funny and colourful Fairy Tale Trial by Jury. Sue took on the role of MD for our 2013 three-parter, Cox and Box (the show is a musical challenge, if ever there was one), and we're thrilled that the whole company will now get the chance to work with her.

We are looking forward to our coming production of Salad Days (have you booked yet? Clicky click the button on the top right of this page!) and are equally looking forward to The Mikado, which is an all time G&S favourite. The last time we did it we were all in black and white and tap dancing. Whatever we do this time, I bet it will be a lot of fun.

The Mikado will be launched on 22 October and this will be an open evening for new members, both on and offstage. So if you have thought about joining PBGS this would be a chance to come along, learn a bit about the show and see what we get up to! We rehearse at Streatley Village Hall and all details are on our Contact Us page.

As a taster, here are some previous PBGS Mikados. If anyone has photos fron the 1972 and 1979 productions I'd love to post them! 

 Our 2007 production

Our 1998 production

Our 1992 production

Our 1986 production