Sunday, 15 September 2019

We have N-OVAtion Award Winners!

Paula Fraser
Congratulations to Paula Fraser our PBGS Chair and all-round Wonder Woman) for winning the Eastern Region N-OVAtion Award today for Best Actor (Female) in a Musical for her performance as Desiree in A Little Night Music and to Graham Thomson for winning Best Musical Director for our lively production of The Grand Duke! We had two more nominees in the same Best Actress category, Sue Wookey for Baroness Von Krakenfelt in The Grand Duke and Rachel Thomas for Madam Armfeldt in A Little Night Music, both of whom received Runner Up certificates. This is an amazing tribute to the outstanding quality of performance that PBGS aspires to, so many thanks to Nova Horley of for recognising all our hard work.

Grand Duke MD Graham Thomson

 Sue Wookey with her and Rachel Thomas's Runner Up certificates