Wednesday, 16 January 2013

Fully updated cast for our Triple Bill

We now have a complete and slightly revised cast for our April Triple Bill of Trial by Jury, Cox & Box and The Zoo:


Bouncer - Richard Dean
Cox - Graham Breeze
Box - Bob Little


Carboy -  Brian Miles
Thomas Brown - Graham Breeze
Eliza -  Jo Bigg
Laetitia -  Paula Fraser
Grinder - Tom Gammell


Judge - Jo Bigg
Counsel - Sue Wookey
Defendant - Brian Miles
Plaintiff - Paula Fraser
Usher -  Frank Banks
Foreman - Peter Johnson
Bridesmaids - Ketina Orriss, Nicole Santlemann, Gill Davidson, Alice Bridges

Patience at Abbots Langley

Abbots Langley G&S are presenting Patience at the Watford Palace Theatre, from 22-26 January.
'Set in 1940s rural England, this intricate tale of unrequited love fits perfectly within the realm of rustic Land Girls and eccentric Home Guardsmen. Gilbert’s cleverly crafted comedy, combined with some of Sullivan's finest music, speaks for itself in a fresh, appealing and highly entertaining production of an infrequently performed piece.'
Tickets are available from the Box Office: 01923 225671. More details about the show at the Abbots Langley Website.