Sunday, 16 October 2022

Thank you!

A BIG, heartfelt thank you to our 'Yeomen of the Guard' audiences this week. It was wonderful to be back in a theatre, to receive so much support and to hear all your laughter, applause and wonderful comments! We've enjoyed every minute of presenting this show to you. A huge amount of behind the scenes work has gone into this production, not least by our Producer Alison Gibbs and our Musical Director Jane Stott. But there are many, many others. You know who you all are and we are deeply grateful. The proof of all that effort really was in an especially fine pudding! Well done to all.

Our next show will be Gilbert and Sullivan's 'HMS Pinafore' in the Spring. Watch this space for more details which will be coming soon!

Sunday, 9 October 2022

It's Show Week!


We open on Wednesday (yay!) and we just can't wait to present our 'Yeomen of the Guard' to you. Don't miss out on Gilbert & Sullivan's masterpiece, full of comedy and pathos, wonderful music, scenes that will pull at your heartstrings and all the hard work of our amazing cast.

Click here for tickets or anywhere you see the booking button!