Saturday, 26 February 2011

A Slave of Duty?

Richard Dean has written a wonderful poem that sums up why all of us doggedly turn up at Streatley week after week, clutching our scores and librettos:
A Slave of Duty?

Why do we spend all these days in a hall
For month upon month acting scenes to a wall
Learning each move, each word and each air
When we could be outside, on the Downs without care

Why do we think that the drama and speeches
That hark back a century ever could reach us
Or that sparkling melodies, clever and gay
Could even compete with the beat of today

Why do we believe that satire and parody
Cuttingly chosen to light social malady
Taking the rise out of pirate and peer
Could resonate now in a chord we can hear

Could it be faith that keeps us all true
Giving a well loved tradition its due
Could it be stardom that glints in our eye
And this just a way to reach up for the sky

Could it be habit, a hobby of old
Or a way for the shy to step up and be bold
A unfilled ambition, a tick on a list
Each opera so special it’s not to be missed

But I take the plunge for the joy of the new
For the strength of the team and thrill of a cue
To learn and to laugh, to fear and to strive
And to sing every note just to feel more alive

- Richard Dean

Wednesday, 23 February 2011

Happily coupled are we....

 © Sue Wookey

Congratulations to Teresa and Jon, our first Putteridge Bury wedding couple, who married on Saturday at St John Fisher, Redbourn. We wish you both many happy, music filled years together.

Oh, happy the lily
When kissed by the bee;
And, sipping tranquilly,
Quite happy is he;
And happy the filly
That neighs in her pride;
But happier than any,
A pound to a penny,
A lover is, when he
Embraces his bride!

- Ruddigore Act1 Finale

Wednesday, 16 February 2011

Buxton here we come!

© Sue Wookey

Putteridge Bury is returning to Buxton! We will be taking our G&S Sketch Show to this year's Buxton International Gilbert and Sullivan Festival as part of the 2011 Festival Fringe. This will be our third performance at the Festival having already performed The Gondoliers (2000) and Princess Ida (2004) in competition at the Opera House. What better way to celebrate the Societies 40th Anniversary.

Written by member Paula Fraser, the show is a fast-paced and irreverent romp through the main themes of all the Gilbert and Sullivan Operettas. With plenty to do for everyone, it really showcases the many talents of the Society, not the least some very nifty sheet work from the Men's Chorus in The Ghost's High Noon.

The performance will be at 3pm on Sunday 31st July 2011 at The Pavilion Arts Centre Buxton. You will find details about the newly refurbished Pavilion Arts Centre here.

The wonders of Buxton and all things G&S is summed up by Rupert Christiansen of The Telegraph, who gets to the heart of why the Festival, and Gilbert and Sullivan in particular, is all such fun:
'It’s all completely bonkers, organised without significant public funding or media interest, and a marvellous tribute to the unquenchable resilience of this uniquely British phenomenon and the opportunity it offers for everyone to dress up, act the fool and sing their hearts out.'
And we can't wait to do just that!