Wednesday, 16 February 2011

Buxton here we come!

© Sue Wookey

Putteridge Bury is returning to Buxton! We will be taking our G&S Sketch Show to this year's Buxton International Gilbert and Sullivan Festival as part of the 2011 Festival Fringe. This will be our third performance at the Festival having already performed The Gondoliers (2000) and Princess Ida (2004) in competition at the Opera House. What better way to celebrate the Societies 40th Anniversary.

Written by member Paula Fraser, the show is a fast-paced and irreverent romp through the main themes of all the Gilbert and Sullivan Operettas. With plenty to do for everyone, it really showcases the many talents of the Society, not the least some very nifty sheet work from the Men's Chorus in The Ghost's High Noon.

The performance will be at 3pm on Sunday 31st July 2011 at The Pavilion Arts Centre Buxton. You will find details about the newly refurbished Pavilion Arts Centre here.

The wonders of Buxton and all things G&S is summed up by Rupert Christiansen of The Telegraph, who gets to the heart of why the Festival, and Gilbert and Sullivan in particular, is all such fun:
'It’s all completely bonkers, organised without significant public funding or media interest, and a marvellous tribute to the unquenchable resilience of this uniquely British phenomenon and the opportunity it offers for everyone to dress up, act the fool and sing their hearts out.'
And we can't wait to do just that!

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