Friday, 19 April 2019

Praise for our Grand Duke!

A lovely review of The Grand Duke from two of our Patrons:
What a wonderful show Grand Duke has been. We were fortunate to see it twice on Thursday and Saturday and greatly enjoyed both times.

This is one of the best productions of GD that we have seen ( and we have seen a few!). Careful editing of the text and tasteful updating plus superb direction gave us a lively, vibrant and colourful production. The set was simple but so effective and lighting well controlled and shaped the emotions of the scenes.

Choreography was fantastic and made full use of the stage. It was lovely to see all the chorus working so hard throughout, but also clearly showing that they were enjoying what they were doing. Strong performances from the Principals gave the finishing touches. All in all a show of which everyone can be proud. Please pass our congratulations and thanks to all.

We look forward to Iolanthe in October.
Thanks to Mr and Mrs Parfitt for sharing how much they enjoyed the show with us, Grand Duke is a difficult show to pull-off successfully and encouraging words like these make all the hard work worthwhile! And, yes, we were all having a great time on stage!

Tuesday, 9 April 2019

Iolanthe Auditions

It's that time of year again! Auditions for Iolanthe will take place on Sunday 28th April at 3pm. You will find all the information you need in these downloadable PDFs:

Audition Information
Libretto Sections
Audition Slip 

Every auditionee needs to have paid their membership or a £20 Audition Fee before the auditions take place and completed forms need to be handed in to Paula Fraser by the 23th April.

Auditions are open and friendly with plenty of people to cheer you on. Good luck everyone!