Monday 18 January 2016

Princess Ida Box Office now open!

Our PBGS Box Office is now open for Princess Ida! Book early to be sure of a ticket for what promises to be a fabulous production.

Princess Ida is Gilbert and Sullivan's epic battle of the sexes which unfolds when Prince Hilarion arrives to claim his bride promised in childhood. But Princess Ida has established a school for ladies in Castle Adamant and men are forbidden! Will love triumph as the sexes go to war? Terrific music, comedy, swordfights and cross-dressing for all the family!

Follow the link below or on the top right of this page to be taken to our secure booking page. For any queries or special requirements please ring PBGS on 07946 264886 or email PBGS at

Monday 4 January 2016

New Year Plaudits for PBGS!

Graham Breeze and Paula Fraser in HMS Pinafore
Our regional NODA rep, Nova Horley, has done a review of the local theatrical year for The Luton News and it’s lovely to see PBGS mentioned twice!
'Best Couple in a Musical must go to Graham Breeze as Captain Corcoran and Paula Fraser as Josephine in HMS Pinafore for PBGS. They complemented each other so well, both in singing and acting the parts.'
'My MD of the Year goes to Charlotte Tabert for Wizard of Oz (Griffins), and Beth Thomas for Hairspray (DAOS). They both achieved amazing things with their bands and the musical numbers in both shows. Graham Thomson brought his experience to bear for the PBGS production of HMS Pinafore, which makes him a worthy runner up.'
Wonderful to see sterling work recognised after the huge effort that everyone puts into our productions. Well done Paula, and the two Grahams!

You can read Nova’s entire review on her website


Mozart in Ampthill

Three PBGS members, Zoe Jasko, Gordon Hodges and pianist Margaret Johnson, will be treating audiences to an evening of Mozart at St. Andrew's Church Ampthill on Sunday 16th January. The concert is in aid of The National Kidney Federation and I'm sure this will be something PBGS members will want to support!