Wednesday, 8 January 2020

Box Office is Open!

The Box Office is now open for tickets for our March Gilbert and Sullivan Double Bill, Trial by Jury and The Sorcerer.
Trial by Jury depicts the hilarious court case of a jilted bride and an undoubted cad brought before a learned but unpredictable judge. Will the Defendant have a fair trial? Will the jury be unbiased? Will the Plaintiff find true love or settle for the most unlikely of suitors?
On the same theme of mis-matched love, in The Sorcerer Alexis and Aline, an engaged couple, have instructed J.W. Wells, a 'dealer in magic and spells' to create a magic potion which will make the entire village fall in love.  They hope that everyone will be as happy as they are, but disaster strikes when the village wakes up and falls in love with the first person they see, mixing old and young and posh and poor. Chaos reigns.
Only the sorcerer can break the spell...
Book early by clicking on the button below to ensure you get the seats you want, as all our G&S operettas are very popular!

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