The idea is that everyone rocks up at 1 pm to rehearse and then at 7 pm we unleash our endeavours on the public in a concert performance. We would like to invite members of PBGS to come along - if anyone is interested, they should send an e-mail to, letting us know their voice part. It's £10 for singers and £5 for audience, with proceeds going to church funds. There are refreshments available throughout the day, and the primary objective is for everyone to have a laugh.You can find out more about Music on the Ladder on their facebook page at
In addition to needing a fantastic come and sing chorus, we'll also need principals - to this end, we're auditioning for the principal roles on Saturday, 23 March. Again, anyone interested should e-mail, letting us know which part they'd like to sing for and we'll get back to them with more details and specific times.
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