Friday, 6 May 2016

Merry Widow Auditions


Audition Information

It's almost time for auditions! You've all done very well at rehearsals and we hope most if not all of you will try out for a part. The auditions will be held between 3pm and 6pm on Sunday the 8th of May at:

Shillington Village Hall,
High Road,

We begin at 3pm promptly so please be there by 2.50pm so as not to disturb those auditioning. We hold open auditions which means anyone can turn up, fill in a form, pay their fee and audition. We encourage this so spread the message around if you think there's someone who should try out.

Auditioning is a fraught process for everyone 'up there' regardless of how many times we've all done it so please support the brave souls before you!
The Panel
Richard Syms - Director
Jane Stott - Musical Director
Paul Kerswill - In support of the Director
Khushil Dep - Committee representitive
T.B.D - In support of the Musical Director

What you will need
  • If you haven't already done so, please bring the audition form to hand into Khushil Dep.
  • Make sure you've put the dates during the rehearsal period you won't be available on that form.
  • If you aren't a member you'll also need to pay your £20 audition fee.
  • Your best foot forward!

How it will work

  • The order of auditions is decided on the day when we know the full list of people auditioning. If you need to leave by a certain time on that day please let Khushil Dep know and we will make adjustments where required.
  • You maybe called back to perform with various groups as the audition panel sees fit in order to determine you fit within a particular group.
  • While there is no official libretto audition you maybe asked to throw a few lines around from the lib.
  • You are allowed the use of your scores during your audition.
  • After all auditions are completed the panel will deliberate in private to create the official cast list. Those who have been selected for a part will be contacted directly and offered the role
  • Once all those offered the parts have accepted, a cast list will be circulated by e-mail as well as posted in the Membership group on Facebook and on our website.
  • There is no official feedback mechanism but feel free to politely enquire for feedback from either the Director or Musical Director at the next rehearsal you attend.


  • Please remember to turn off your mobile phones or put them into silent mode.
  • Please don't enter or leave the audition room during an audition as it's very distracting.
  • The hall is NON SMOKING which also means NO VAPING within the building please.

Break a leg everyone!


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