Sunday, 29 March 2015

Dorothy Williams

Dorothy Williams
PBGS is very sad to announce the news that former Chairman Dorothy Williams has suddenly died. Dorothy led the Society for many years and was the inspiration and driving force that took us to the International G&S Festival at Buxton in 2000. She believed that PBGS could meet the standards of the Festival, and her faith and confidence in the Society led to our successful performance of The Gondoliers and opened the way to many subsequent visits. Along with her husband, Paul, she also performed in shows and was huge fun to share the stage with. Dorothy finally left PBGS when she and Paul moved to Tetney near Grimsby, although she always followed PBGS's progress and maintained connections with the Society. She will be sadly missed.

Our thoughts are with Paul and all the members of her family.

Dorothy, on the right, in our 1996 production of Yeomen of the Guard


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