Tuesday, 24 February 2015

Putteridge Bury G&S Society goes International with friends!

Our 2013 production of Trial by Jury
Our amazing Fairy tale Trial by Jury received acclaim from audiences and NODA regional nominations, so what better way to celebrate this than to present it at the biggest International Festival of them all - and this time, with friends! On the 22nd August 2015 at 2.30pm, this society with be performing our production of Trial by Jury at Harrogate Theatre as part of the Fringe event for the International Festival of Gilbert and Sullivan.

But this time we will form a unique partnership with Wolverton Gilbert & Sullivan Society who are celebrating their 40th anniversary this year by taking their production of The Zoo to perform on the same afternoon. In a unique opportunity, performers are able to perform in both productions if they wish, working with different Musical Directors and Directors. It is a marvellous opportunity to see other amateur and professional companies performing top quality G&S shows, to listen to speakers about the world of Gilbert & Sullivan, and a social event for morning to night as a celebration of all things G&S.

YOU CAN BE THERE! If you want to perform or help backstage at the Festival in one or both of the shows, please contact paulafras@aol.com.

BUT it is just as important to have supporters as audience to cheer us on. If you want to see us, then further information is available at www.gsfestivals.org

Rehearsals will take place from mid-July (Fridays for The Zoo in Stony Stratford and Sundays and Tuesdays for Trial by Jury in Streatley).


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