Friday, 27 June 2014


Putteridge Bury’s Annual Summer BBQ 
18th July 2014

Friends and Family welcome 
From 7 pm at Brian's house, 125 Strathmore Avenue, Luton, LU1 3QW, Beds.

Cost will be £5 per person for a meat and/or vegetarian option which will be provided as well as some drinks. Please bring along either a side dish (salads, bread, snacks etc.) or a pudding (desserts, cakes etc.) and your favourite tipple and bring your friends and family along, it will be great fun. As this is also a Fundraiser the rest will go as a donation to Putteridge Bury G&S Society. There will also be a Quiz with a prize!

DVD SALE: Brian will have an extensive collection of DVDs on sale to raise money for Putteridge Bury.

Parking is available at the location in the street, but please be aware that you may have to park a bit further down the street.

Please reply to Nicole at until 11th July latest to confirm if you are coming and how many people you are bringing, so we know how much food to get. Also please let Nicole know if you require vegetarian food, so we know to cater for you.

Looking forward to seeing you all there!

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