Monday, 8 August 2011

And yet more Buxton...

There is a nice little article about the joys of the Buxton Festival on the Guardian Website. My favourite quote:
"Buxton's great fun," said Bradley. "I even had an American woman come up to me and say: 'I have had more pleasure from the festival than from either of my husbands.'"
Well, we knew it was good but.....

Read the whole article on The Guardian Website.

And here yet more photos of PBGS at the Festival!

Ali, Eve and Margaret stay cool...

King Tony holds court

Before Edinburgh's 'Mikado'

Post Mikado Festival Club at the Pavilion
All photos ©Sue Wookey



  1. thanks, Sue - though I'm a bit surprised the journalist described Buxton as a 'slightly dowdy' town . . . !

  2. I am too! I think it's anything but...
