Wednesday, 15 August 2018

PBGS opens the International G&S Festival Fringe at Harrogate

PBGS was thrilled to open the Festival Fringe for the 25th Silver Jubilee International Gilbert & Sullivan Festival in Harrogate with our production of The Gondoliers on Thursday 9th August 2018 at Harrogate Theatre. The Festival is a wonderful event to take part in which stretches every company and PBGS rose to the challenge in style, as you can see from the screen grabs of our performance! The audience must have loved our exuberant all singing and all dancing production as over 40 DVDs were sold the following morning in the Festival shop, and not all to us! Thanks to everyone who made this possible, onstage and off (it takes a lot of dedicated people to put something like this together!), to our lovely appreciative audience and to the International G&S Festival for hosting such a celebration of all things Gilbert and Sullivan. It really was 'too much happiness'.

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