Tuesday, 22 April 2014

G & S Sing-a-long on 3rd May

Our G&S Singalong is fast approaching! The 3rd May will be the first ever Global Gilbert and Sullivan Day and PBGS is preparing a special celebration at Harlington Village Hall.

We have a programme put together, but there are still roles to fill so we'd love to hear from singers, not only from PBGS but also from other local groups, who'd like to join us on the day for solos or ensembles as well as joining in all those lovely choruses. Please contact Paula Fraser on paulafras@aol.com or 07956 678720 if you'd like to join in as a singer or if you would like to order tickets as an audience member. Tickets to take part are £5 and there will be home baked refreshements.

There will be two opportunities to go through the music on Sunday 27th April from 3pm and Tuesday 29th April from 7.45pm at our usual rehearsal venue of Streatley Village Hall.

This will be a fun way to celebrate Gilbert and Sullivan in style by singing all our favourites, many of them as loudly as possible!


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