Sunday, 24 November 2013

Wolverton G&S: Nunsense

Lots of familiar faces from PBGS will be performing in Nunsense in Wolverton this week. From Jo:
How do you raise the funds to bury 4 colleagues who are languishing in the freezer? Put on a show of course! so come and join the roller skating, tap dancing, ballet dancing, gospel singing, forgetful nuns for a hilarious evening's performance.
Tickets are £10/£8 in advance or £12/£10 on the door. They can be purchased from the Box Office on 01908 262250 or through Nightly from Thursday 28th November to 30th November at 7.30pm and matinee on 30th November at 2.30pm at Creed Street Theatre, Creed Street, Wolverton, Milton Keynes, MK14 6BN.

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