Wednesday, 15 February 2012

Local shows: Godspell, Sorcerer and Orpheus

There are several local shows coming up between now and April, two from our fellow G&S friends at Wolverton, and one from Hitchin Thespians that will appeal to all operetta lovers:

Wolverton G&S: Godspell

Wolverton are presenting Godspell on Tue 3rd & Wed 4th April 2012 from 7.30pm, at St George's Church, Church Street, Wolverton, Milton Keynes, MK12 5EX. Box Office 01908 262250

Wolverton G&S: The Sorcerer/Cox and Box

Wolverton are presenting a modern take on The Sorcerer & Cox and Box on 27th - 31st March 2012, from 7.30pm at the Stantonbury Campus Theatre, Milton Keynes. Box Office 01908 262250.

Full details of both productions can be found on the Wolverton G&S Society website.

Hitchin Thespians: Orpheus in the Underworld

Hitchin Thespians are presenting Offenbach's comic operetta, Orpheus in the Underworld, from 21-24 March 2012 at the Gordon Craig Theatre, Stevenage. This production promises a touch of Panto and a new translation of the libretto:
...a fun-packed show with a new translation by Geoffrey Dunn and (of course) Offenbach's lilting tunes - including the timeless can-can.
Full details can be found on the Hitchin Thespians Website.

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