Wednesday, 21 September 2011

40 Years of PBGS Celebrated with Sketch Show

© Teresa Newham

We are fast approaching our last performances of the G&S Sketch Show for the year - on the 6th October we will be taking the show to the Queen Mother Theatre in Hitchin for a three day run. Not only will there be some fantastic G&S singing, but a light supper will be served in a cabaret setting. Tickets can be booked direct from the Theatre on 01462 455166 (lunchtimes and evenings only), or through the company on 07946 264886. You can also book online. You will find full details on our Next Show Page. This is 'Reduced Shakespeare Company' meets Gilbert and Sullivan, and is a fun, fast paced evening with plenty of humour. Our Buxton audience loved it!

The performances in Hitchin mark the last part of our 40th Anniversary Year Celebrations. The Society was founded in 1971 by Peter Jenkyns and June Pickard and has gone from strength to strength, adding non G&S shows into the Gilbert and Sullivan mix and taking in several theatre homes along the way. All amateur societies have been facing difficult times over the last few years - with financial challenges and changing audiences - and looking back over our long list of productions, we have a lot to celebrate at PBGS.

Our founder and first MD Peter Jenkyns
©Luton News

Over the years we have also seen many changes in our membership, different MDs, Producers, Chairmen and Committees. But the priority of quality musicianship and - well - fun, has never changed. There have also been members who have stayed with the Society over long periods, giving us continuity and a sense of where the Society began. As Gilbert wrote for The Yeomen of the Guard we still 'have a song to sing-o':

PBGS Yeomen of the Guard 1981

PBGS Yeomen of the Guard 1989

PBGS Yeomen of the Guard 1996
PBGS Yeomen of the Guard 2005

PBGS Yeomen of the Guard 2010

You will find our full Society history here.

- SW

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